I've recently discovered the frivolous pleasures of My Space and Facebook. Originally, Lenny dragged me on My Space so I could become one of his "Mafia" on a virtual game to which I am now, alas, hooked myself. I ventured over to Facebook at the admonishment of a friend and after realizing that people, that I hadn't seen or thought of in years, could be tracked down easily on these sites.
It's fun to see people from "way back when" and realize that, just like me, they've somehow morphed into adults with families and new ways of life and interests and all that good stuff. There really is life after 'Zo. Who knew? ;)
So, in response to tracking people down and checking them out, I've had a few emails of "what are you up to?" and "tell me about your family." But, I have to admit, when it comes to expressing myself, I'm staying true to my nerd-self (that does still hearken back to high school days) and would rather express myself essay-style on my blog rather than pop-style on MySpace or, even more briefly, in photos on Facebook. So, I thought I'd do a "catch-up" post on myself and then direct folks over here to bloggy-me. If you're a here and present friend, forgive the digest a la Renee. ;) Watch out, you might learn something freaky.
Sooo...I got married to Lenny the month after h.s. graduation. We moved to Cruces for college, and here we still are. Lenny did a year of automotive tech and got far enough for his certification and then just started working full-time. He's had a variety of jobs over the years including working for the City pools, working as a Title Searcher for a title company, managing a gas station and, for the past eight years, driving a tow truck. Alas (for me ;) ), he seems to have found his calling because he likes being called out at all hours, not having to sit at a desk or be inside, working with his hands, meeting lots of people, and interacting with police and other emergency staff (fire department, Border Patrol, DEA, etc.).
I came to school on a scholarship and finished that degree in five years (working throughout) with a BA in Journalism. Of course, by the time I had that, I'd changed my mind and came back for a second BA in English (32 credit hours in one year, nothing but English courses. I haven't changed that much, have I?). I was intending to take that ENGL BA and enter Graduate School the following semester (Fall, 2000) when I found myself pregnant with our first child. I initially thought I could wear all hats and do it all. I successfully finished the second degree but when Fionna was born at the end of July, I realized that full-time grad school, teaching as a T.A., and being a full-time mommy would never work with the combination of Lenny's 24/7 on-call, can-never-commit-to-watching-baby job. So, I dropped out of school but kept working and took Baby Fionna to work with me. I managed this until December 2001 when she was almost 18 months. By that time, she was well on her way to destroying my office as a busy and inquisitive toddler, and my work wasn't getting done. It was time for one to go, either work or bring-baby-to-work. I chose to quit work, enter the world of being a poor, single-income family and be a full-time mommy for awhile.
That has been my slice of life for the past almost seven years. In those years, we've added two children, Grady in July, 2003, and our second daughter, Ainslie, in July, 2006. (Please, don't ask why we're weird and have had three babies born in July). I guess I get my groove on in October. ;)
I'll be the first and say, I've come a very long way from my high school, raised in the sticks, small-town self. I've learned a lot about valuing different life experiences and ways of doing things. I'm a strong Feminist, Liberal woman (thus the capitals), and I've become passionate about the way I parent and about causes which I think will affect my kiddos in the world we will someday pass on (politics, human rights, environmentalism, sustainable living, gay/lesbian rights). Gone are the days of thinking of nothing but the opposite sex, makeup, hairspray and rockies jeans. I'd probably best describe msyelf as a neo-hippie meaning I'm very anti-establishment, heavily focused on the natural and easy-going on rules. In the superficial realm, I only recently cut my dreadlocks (now sporting a very short, do-nothing hairdo), I seldom come near much in the way of make-up, and I mostly shop at thrift stores. I'm all about a minimalist life-style in a lot of ways, low on the fuss, heavy on just enjoying life in the moment and trying to model a way of life for my kids that is real, in the present, fair and mindful and fun. I'm a work in progress but I'm enjoying the actual process very much. :)
I'm also on the verge of some pretty big changes. I love being home with my kids but life as a single-income, working class family means we are pretty damned poor these days. Which is alright but you can only stretch so far...So, I'm planning on returning to Graduate School in January, getting my MA in EDUC and entering a teaching career within 2-3 years. Fionna is in second grade, Grady will start Kindergarten next Fall, and Ainslie will hopefully not be terribly impacted by my return to school. Ideally, I'll take night classes but I have generous offers from friends in the event that I need some childcare. My goal there is to minimize the impact on my kids but also to recapture some focus on myself and move us all towards a life that isn't quite so paycheck-to-paycheck (without caving the The System, of course). ;)
In terms of interests, I've found myself really drawn to Herbalism. I've studied with a couple of people, as well having done some online courses. I try to make as much of my family's medicine as I can and take care of things around the house in a natural, low-key way. I also have found a calling to offer mother-to-mother support on the subject of breastfeeding, and I'm now a trained and accredited La Leche League Leader. It's a volunteer position I've held for almost three years that I find very validating.
I guess that's all I can think of to babble on and on about in regards to myself. Again, I'm really enjoying the chance to "glimpse" old friends and hear their successes and adventures. :)