Wednesday, October 8, 2008

An exchange at the bus stop...

Grady, Ainslie and I took advantage of a beautiful Fall day a few weeks ago and bussed to the park for playgroup. Well, actually, that's not 100% accurate. We tried to bus to the park, missed the bus and had to get a ride from daddy to the park. (Sadly, this scenario has played out before). The good news is that Lenny's work is just diagonally across the corner from the bus stop, so it wasn't a big deal to walk over to him and bum a ride in the tow truck. Happily, we were successful in catching the bus for the homeward-bound trip. As we sat waiting for our bus to pull into the transfer station, a man approached us.

--He said, "Hey, do you smell that?"

--I have a bit of a sensitivity about my less-than-keen sense of smell so I fudged and said, "Umm, yeah."

--He then took it one further and said, "What do you smell like?"

--This turns my thinking completely around and I'm still mentally puzzling over whether I've been insulted or what when he says now, "Patchouli, that's it. Is it you?"

--I was relieved at that point and said, "Yeah, that' s me." I was not, however, expecting the next question.

--"So, are you married?" he asks.

--"Yep," I reply. "Three kids too."

--"Oh well" is his answer and he wandered off.

I love taking the bus. I mean, my kids get to experience mildly strange people (of which I know I qualify) and people from all walks of life. I hope, now that autumn and milder weather have arrived, we'll bus more often. The kids are certainly clamoring for another adventure. :)

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