Tuesday, August 7, 2007

"Now we live on a farm!"

No, we haven't moved. But evidently we now meet Fionna's list of requirements for "living on a farm." The list? Here it is:

cats to catch mice -- check (never mind that they are indoor-only cats and there better not be any mice)

a sheep dog -- check (Mo, our new puppy, technically a bird dog but that's just a technicality)

chickens -- as of Sunday, check

a dog "just for fun" -- check (Munch, our old dachshund)

By the way, the first picture is of the chicks in our bathtub. Lenny jumped the gun a little and picked up the chicks before building a coop. So they hung out in the tub for a couple of days while he built during his spare time (aka about 5 minutes per day). And the picture of Ainslie is her being enraptured by the chicks which she calls "og" and "oh," both words for Mo, the dog, her new favorite thing.

1 comment:

connorlove said...

your growning family is gorgeous, your blog is bookmarked on my favorites, your chics look like raisins with some kind of shredded wheat (that's what I thought), and Fiona is Such A Big Girl! I had to tear myself away last night when I linked to it from your comment on my blog, I could have read all night. ~ Connor