Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Could it be like water on the brain?

Yesterday was titled "peaches on the brain" for good reason. Ditty after ditty, nursery rhyme, what-have-you flitted through my skull, all focusing on peaches. Granted I did peel and cut peaches for 3 hours, only 1.5 of which did Ainslie sleep for (meaning sticky hands plus knife plus baby is tricky stuff). But seriously, why does such nonsensical stuff just keep popping up?

So, today, I'm back to work in my peach "pit" (hardy har har har) and now I've got the text of Jamberry lilting through my cranium. Granted, it's one of our favorite books (especially Grady's) and I do love to read it but, gee, the peaches are bad enough without the accompanying lyrics. I think I'll just succumb....

Cloudberry sky

Rockets shoot by

Mountains and fountains
Rain down on me
Buried in berries
What a jam jamboree!

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