Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Mommy-brain is, ahem, interesting...

Most people who know me know that I'm absent-minded, forgetful, distracted. I say the wrong name, the wrong word. I flat out forget. I haven't been officially diagnosed but I feel comfortable self-proclaiming that I have an acute case of mommy-brain. What gives it a way? Well, I've recently burned something, to the degree that the house filled with smoke. It never occurred to me that it was something cooking that caused the smoke. I looked outside to see if the smoke was being pulled indoors by the swamp cooler. I checked the swamp cooker assuming that the motor had seized and was causing it to smoke. I spotted a pot, over a flame, on the stove and was puzzled at who could have placed it there (even though I was home alone with an infant and three y.o.). It was only shortly thereafter that I realized that the hummingbird nectar I was making, intended to only be on the stove for a moment or two, had burned dry and was billowing smoke..

Anyway, on to today's latest big red sign proclaiming "MOMMY-BRAIN." I call dh and very agitatedly explained that I think we have a mouse in the house as "I've caught Ainslie on the stove twice today peering behind it in a very suspicious way. She just wouldn't jump down." Now, if you're not immediately noticing why that would be highly strange, let me clarify: Ainslie is my 10-month-old daughter, not the CAT Maeve that I was sure that I had referred to.

Ay yi yi, Oh Brain, where art thou? More importantly, when will you be back?


We belong to LULU said...

I think your brain is kickin it with mine. We got to track them down... maybe in a couple years? :)

noradawn said...

I totally laughed out loud when I read about Ainslie peering behind the stove- I couldn't help but picture it! It disturbed Jubilee's nap in the Moby, but it was worth it. Thanks for the chuckle!