Monday, December 10, 2007

Captain's bLog

Day four of being home with a sick kiddo. I love Fionna dearly but she honestly is the most miserable patient you could ask for. And she comes by it naturally. I hate to be sick too. For me, it's the feeling of not feeling right/good/comfortable in my own skin. And I see that with her, the kind of panic that she doesnt' feel "right."

It's raining, a good stay-home-in-your-jammies sort of day. Good thing, as that's just what I'll be doing...


noradawn said...

We stayed home all day, too, and didn't get out of our jammies until 1 pm! We're lucky, though, that no one was sick. I hope Fionna is on the mend.

TheWeaverFam said...

Yucky to hear that Fionna was feeling under the weather. Happy to hear that everythings is going well nonetheless. Miss everyone tons!