Monday, October 8, 2007

There's a change in the air...

Fall, gloriously cool (relatively speaking) and crisp Fall! I feel I can say this with certainty as me and the kids froze our tootsies off last night. I feel that it's hard to freeze where we live and sleeping as we do, with any number of family members from three to five in a given bed on a given night. But man, with all the windows down in the house, scantily clad as is our norm, and summer weight covers on the bed --- Brrrr! But it sure was a yummy feeling as I awoke this morning with Ainslie on one side, Grady on the other, the dog nestled between my legs and our one light blanket pulled up to our chins.

I love Fall. Where we live, moderate temperatures are to be treasured and we seldom have the nasty winds that Spring usually brings us.

Okay, blogging is apparently addicting because I have at least three other tasks that really need to be done as Ainslie naps and yet, here I sit. :)


noradawn said...

I know reading blogs is addicting- there are at least 3 other tasks I could be doing as both children are still asleep, and here I sit! Thanks for giving me something new and fun to read!

Shaela said...

It has taken a while, but it is finally cooling down here too. It is refreshing to have the seasons change.