Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Getting those photos taken care of...

Grady, second from right on the bottom row, at his first Tae Kwon Do demonstration in January.

These three Tae Kwon Do shots come from the practice room. This is where a lots of wild rumpuses occur after class. Grady adores it.

Ainslie, in an "Ainslie original." Not one, not two but three dresses, layered. She went to church this way.

This is what happens these days when you tell Ainslie to smile for the camera. For some reason, those eyes just can't stay open...

Christmas morning, 2008. We never have too many shots, too busy helping the kids whirl through their gifts. Fionna here is receiving, what I am told, is a girl's requisite Barbie styling head.

Sad to say, my only xmas shot of Grady is this horribly blurry thing. At least he's happy (it's a pinball game that he's opening).

Ainslie very much loved opening gifts, anyone's gifts, this year.

Waiting for her sit-and-spin... (I just typed sit-and-spit. That would be the Grady version.)

A rare, these days, happy shot of all three. Ainslie, again, created her own outfit.

Fionna at her Winter school music show. She was thrilled to be front and center, right by the mic. A starlet's dream...

Making homemade gingerbread houses (also known as eating lots of powdered sugar frosting).

Grady, at that point, had eaten a little less than Ainslie. You can actually recognize what he's up to.

Bummer, I can't get it to turn the right direction. You get the idea. More corny kid holiday cheer. :)


MamaWestWind said...

Hey girl! Love the pics! I've nominated you for the Lemonade Award! Check it out!


connorlove said...

Love the photos, love the update!