Sunday, October 5, 2008

My new blog banner

I thought I'd explain...the political season has me firmly riveted to public events and the election process. As such, I was proud to have a few political signs in my front yard (Obama and two local politicians). We came home from a weekend away last week to discover my Obama sign and one of the others had been stolen. Our town saw a big spate of sign thefts but I was so angry to be one of the victims. I've since replaced my sign but my political vigor is stronger than ever. :)


MamaWestWind said...

Yes, yes, Obama! And I like the new banner.

connorlove said...

I was so sorry to read about whitey, I know and my children know how it feels to lose a good good friend. And go Obama, love the banner, and the new do! When did you cut your dreads?