Tuesday, July 8, 2008

"Creature" Encounters

Bats in my living room -- if I'd titled my blog with that statement, I'm sure you'd be expecting more drama. But, as it happens, these bats were fairly placid (except when consuming too much sugary treats). They descended upon my house after watching an episode of "The Magic School Bus" that prompted them to emit long, ear-splitting screeches and try to hang upside down everywhere and anywhere. Who knew multiple Batman costumes would be so invaluable, other than for the nightly crimefighting?

Fionna Bat

Grady Bat (If you're looking for Ainslie Bat, she was more than happy to confine herself to the shrieking portion of the act.)

On the topic of strange flying creatures, this was another encounter we count ourselves fortunate to have had. One evening at Community Dinner, we found ourselves picnicking next to this unlikely couple. They hung out in the park for at least a couple of days (we saw them there the next evening as well). Someone said they looked like Green Herons, perhaps. Either way, it was a special treat to be so near them. The same night we saw them, I also had the amazing pleasure of having a small owl first land on a tree branch right over me and then, shortly thereafter, flutter to the ground just 10 or 15 feet from me. I felt really lucky that night. :)

I'm sure it's by now evident, we're an animal loving family, and it's been a distinct pleasure of this summer to have so many creature encounters. Something we're loving is that our yard is once again inhabited by frogs (Woodhouse's Toads, to be specific). A few years ago, we seemed to have dozens of them but we hadn't seen any for the past couple of summers. Happily, they are back. Whether we have many or one, we're not precisely certain. To the kids, they are all "Mr. Toad." Mr. Toad likes to hang out under our house and emerge in the evening and early morn. The dogs' water bowl makes a fine swimmin' hole and he (she/they?) is/are definitely finding enough to eat.


MamaWestWind said...

Love your little "bats", too cute! I had a similar encounter w/ an owl last year! It was so magical, I was able to get really close and take a pic. I noticed it was back every evening around the same time so I would wait for it. I probably really messed up his hunting routine. Ha

connorlove said...

I love your bats, love your owl and fowl, love your frog and love being "in" on your life. And thanks for catching up on mine.