Friday, March 7, 2008

All better! :)

I'm a couple of days getting this posted here. I feel badly because people have been so lovely about sending us positive thoughts and support. Ainslie and Grady are all better, I am so very happy to say.

We continued Ainslie with the oxygen through late Tuesday afternoon. When we saw the doctor that day, her oxygen was at a glowing 98, and her lungs sounded clear as a bell. Just to be precautionary, although he hadn't been as sick, the doctor gave Grady a once over and pronounced us to be all clear.

It's been great to have a tube-free child and to see her quickly bloom back into her old animated self. Children have such an amazing power to bounce back. The two pounds that she lost early on last week were made up between Friday and Tuesday when we discovered Ainslie had gained 1.5 lbs. Most likely through the help of the eight avocados that she scarfed down over the weekend. :) And I certainly don't discount the power of my own breastmilk.

So, we're back in the world of the living, and life goes on. Actually, life sweeps right on, at the same river rapids pace that it set before. We've played at the park this week, had a play date, two La Leche League meetings, and have a soccer game awaiting us tomorrow.

The "farm" is doing well, dogs and cats their same old lazy (with the exception of Lily who is hyper-hyper-hyper) selves. The chickens are doing great, laying a little less but that may well be due to the fact that we recently moved their chicken coop. This was in preparation for the larger fenced area that we're planning so that we can keep them out of the planned vegetable and herb garden.

I can't remember if I wrote about that yet. We tilled almost half of our grass up (and hauled out the grass). This weekend we're amending the soil with some sand and, eventually, compost. We'll be planting pretty soon as temps here are warming quickly. The trees have that bright spring green sheen to them as leaves start to pop, and our peach tree is all abloom. I'm very excited to get the garden in! :)


Shaela said...

Happy to hear all is well again. Hooray for SPRING!

noradawn said...

We're so glad you're back!!!

Hanwisi said...

you know I'm glad. xoxoxo