This can't be right! I sat down today to compose an entirely different blog but as I scrolled down the last few entries, I kept looking for the Halloween blog. All the pictures, the funny stories...? Surely I wrote it. Ummm, I guess not. Crazy seeing as how it's my favorite holiday, and we had such a rockin' time. I think what happened is I was revelling in the pre-election fervor of my man Obama, and I composed a ghost blog. One of those you write in your head late at night, laying in bed getting the babes (children, not hot chicks) to sleep. I can't begin to recreate but I need to immortalize the pictures. Suffice it to say, great night, great galloping gallons of candy, and a great gathering of people....As Grady loves to say, of late, (I'm sure, courtesy of Sponge Bob), "Good times, good times."
2 years ago